Post by AdiOn Dec 13, 8:31 pm, "Tom Cooper"
Post by Tom CooperYou can get the same result while only scanning the table once with
Select Case When Number = 1 Then Field1
When Number = 2 Then Field2
When Number = 3 Then Field3 End As NewField
From yourtable
Cross Join (Select 1 As Number
Union All Select 2
Union All Select 3) As n
Post by JozzaNoted. Good advice
Post by AdiPost by JozzaYes, that does the job, to make it actualy work i had to add "from table" to
all inner select statements. You made me think...
Thx Paddy and all the others for the effort
Post by PaddySelect
* from
Select Field1 as NEWFIELD
SElect Field2
select field 3
where t.Newfield like '%%'- Hide quoted text -
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Notice that this will result in 3 table scans (or index scans if you
have indexes that are based on those columns). Depending on the
table's size and the amount or records that you think that will be
returned to the user, it might perform better if the client will check
the columns.
Adi- Hide quoted text -
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I'm sorry Tom, but I don't see how this should work. Can you
elaborate about your solution?
OK, you got me. My answer was certainly incomplete.
The first thing I should have said is that my answer was not an answer to
the OP's original question, which I would probably do differently, but
rather a way to achieve the same results as Paddy's suggestion, that is,
* from
Select Field1 as NEWFIELD
SElect Field2
select field 3
where t.Newfield like '%%'
but avoid the multiple scans of the table that come from the unions.
The way my query works is it takes the table and does a cross join with a
derived table. That derived table has 3 rows and a cross join matches every
row in the first table with every row in the second. So after the cross
join you have three copies of the data from the original table, but the
original table was only scanned once. Then the case statement is used to
select Field1 from the first copy, Field2 from the second copy, etc.
Also I needed to add a DISTINCT to exactly duplicate what Paddy was doing
since he was using UNION rather than UNION ALL.
The following is an example of how all this works using a temporary table,
changing Paddy's query to have the FROM clauses it needs, and putting in the
changes necessary to mine to make it complete.
First create a temporary table and load it with some data.
Create Table #yourtable (
Field1 varchar(10),
Field2 varchar(10),
Field3 varchar(10))
Insert #yourtable (Field1, Field2, Field3)
Values ('Row1Field1', 'Row1Field2', 'Row1Field3')
Insert #yourtable (Field1, Field2, Field3)
Values ('Row2Field1', 'Row2Field2', 'Row2Field3')
Insert #yourtable (Field1, Field2, Field3)
Values ('Row3Field1', 'Row3Field2', 'Row3Field3')
Insert #yourtable (Field1, Field2, Field3)
Values ('Row4Field1', 'Row4Field2', 'Row4Field3')
Then Paddy's query would look like:
* from
Select Field1 as NEWFIELD From #yourtable
SElect Field2 From #yourtable
select field3 From #yourtable
where t.Newfield like '%%'
And my complete query would look like
Select Distinct NewField
From (Select Case When Number = 1 Then Field1
When Number = 2 Then Field2
When Number = 3 Then Field3 End As NewField
From #yourtable
Cross Join (Select 1 As Number
Union All Select 2
Union All Select 3) As n) As t
Where NewField Like '%%'
If you run them both, you will see they get the same results. If you look
at the execution plans, you will see that my query scans the table
#yourtable one time and that the estimated cost of my query is about 1/3 of
the estimated cost of Paddy's which scans the table 3 times.
It should also be noted that if you have a Numbers table - see
then you can use it rather than the derived table to get the numbers from 1
to 3, e.g.,
Select Distinct NewField
From (Select Case When Number = 1 Then Field1
When Number = 2 Then Field2
When Number = 3 Then Field3 End As NewField
From #yourtable
Inner Join Numbers On Number <= 3) As t
Where NewField Like '%%'