(too old to reply)
2008-06-03 07:39:14 UTC
I have a table with 15000 records in it where I need to update a
couple of columns from a calculation. I would normally do this through
ADO and a bit of VB but I thought I would have a go at doing this
using a cursor in a stored procedure having never done it before. I
have followed the advice on the web but whenever I run the procedure
it gets between 100 and 1500 records into the table and then just
stops. The records have been imported from an Excel spread sheet.
Below is the SP:

declare @ID int
declare @postcode char(8)
declare @RecordCount int
declare @RiskFactor decimal(18,4)
declare @Risk varchar(10)
declare @Homes int
declare @Leads int
declare @Easting float
declare @Northing float
declare myCursor CURSOR FOR select id, postcode1 from SPBirmingham
open myCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor into @id, @postcode
while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
if (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
set @Risk = ''
set @RiskFactor = 0
set @Homes = 0
set @Leads = 0
SELECT @RecordCount = count(postCode) FROM
dbo.EnglandMappointLeads2001to2005 WHERE postCode = @postCode
if @RecordCount > 0
SELECT @Easting = E, @Northing = N FROM
dbo.EnglandMappointLeads2001to2005 WHERE postCode = @postCode
SELECT @Leads = sum(Leads), @Homes = sum(Homes) FROM
dbo.EnglandMappointLeads2001to2005 WHERE sqrt(square(@Easting-E)
if (@Leads > 0 and @Homes > 0)
set @RiskFactor = convert(decimal(18,4),@Leads)/
if @RiskFactor < 0.0022
set @Risk = 'Low'
if (@RiskFactor > 0.0022 and @RiskFactor <= 0.0044)
set @Risk = 'Medium'
if (@RiskFactor > 0.0044 and @RiskFactor <= 0.0088)
set @Risk = 'High'
if @RiskFactor > 0.0088
set @Risk = 'Very High'
update spbirmingham set leads = @Leads, homes = @homes, risk_factor =
@RiskFactor, risk = @Risk where id = @id
FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor INTO @id, @postcode
close myCursor
deallocate myCursor

I tried the @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 etc but this made no difference
Hugo Kornelis
2008-06-03 21:12:44 UTC
Post by Mike
I have a table with 15000 records in it where I need to update a
couple of columns from a calculation. I would normally do this through
ADO and a bit of VB but I thought I would have a go at doing this
using a cursor in a stored procedure having never done it before. I
have followed the advice on the web but whenever I run the procedure
it gets between 100 and 1500 records into the table and then just
stops. The records have been imported from an Excel spread sheet.

Hi Mike,

You didn't post enough information to reproduce the problem (see
www.aspfaq.com/5006 for what we need). However, I *THINK* that the
problem is related to using default cursor options, probably in
combination with there not being a proper key on the table. You might
find that the problem goes away if you explicitly ask for a STATIC

That being said, you'll probably find that the performance of this thing
will be much better if you manage to rip out the cursor completely and
use a single, set-based update statement to work on the whole table at
once. With more information (see the link above), people in this group
are probably able to help you get there.
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
My SQL Server blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis
2008-06-08 14:39:05 UTC
Many thanks for getting back to me, it turned out that the sp ran ok
it was just that it was timing out, extending the timeout period
solved the problem. But you are right, it ran really slowly and I will
investigate the alternative method you proposed.
Post by Hugo Kornelis
Post by Mike
I have a table with 15000 records in it where I need to update a
couple of columns from a calculation. I would normally do this through
ADO and a bit of VB but I thought I would have a go at doing this
using a cursor in a stored procedure having never done it before. I
have followed the advice on the web but whenever I run the procedure
it gets between 100 and 1500 records into the table and then just
stops. The records have been imported from an Excel spread sheet.
Hi Mike,
You didn't post enough information to reproduce the problem (seewww.aspfaq.com/5006for what we need). However, I *THINK* that the
problem is related to using default cursor options, probably in
combination with there not being a proper key on the table. You might
find that the problem goes away if you explicitly ask for a STATIC
That being said, you'll probably find that the performance of this thing
will be much better if you manage to rip out the cursor completely and
use a single, set-based update statement to work on the whole table at
once. With more information (see the link above), people in this group
are probably able to help you get there.
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
My SQL Server blog:http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis
Adam Backlund
2012-01-05 09:42:53 UTC
Shouldn't the last 'FETCH' statement be outside the 'BEGIN END' of the 'if (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)'?
It now looks like if the @@FETCH_STATUS would be 2, then there will be an eternal loop since the FETCH will never be executed anymore.
Am I right or have I missed something here?

Post by Hugo Kornelis
Hi Mike,
You didn't post enough information to reproduce the problem (see
www.aspfaq.com/5006 for what we need). However, I *THINK* that the
problem is related to using default cursor options, probably in
combination with there not being a proper key on the table. You might
find that the problem goes away if you explicitly ask for a STATIC
That being said, you'll probably find that the performance of this thing
will be much better if you manage to rip out the cursor completely and
use a single, set-based update statement to work on the whole table at
once. With more information (see the link above), people in this group
are probably able to help you get there.
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
My SQL Server blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis
Post by Mike
I have a table with 15000 records in it where I need to update a
couple of columns from a calculation. I would normally do this through
ADO and a bit of VB but I thought I would have a go at doing this
using a cursor in a stored procedure having never done it before. I
have followed the advice on the web but whenever I run the procedure
it gets between 100 and 1500 records into the table and then just
stops. The records have been imported from an Excel spread sheet.
declare myCursor CURSOR FOR select id, postcode1 from SPBirmingham
open myCursor
@RiskFactor, risk = @Risk where id = @id
close myCursor
deallocate myCursor
Post by Mike
Many thanks for getting back to me, it turned out that the sp ran ok
it was just that it was timing out, extending the timeout period
solved the problem. But you are right, it ran really slowly and I will
investigate the alternative method you proposed.